uncheck all that are checked



I have a msgbox that asks the user to confirm deleting records. If the
user presses cancel, I want to set each checkbox back to No. I've
tried .requery, .repaint, if...then. Nothing has worked. I think I
need something like a For each...then. I've looked at the help and
can't find anything on that. I'm also getting an error that I can't
assign a value to me.cDelete. TIA Here's my code now:

Private Sub Form_Close()
Dim msgboxresult As String

msgboxresult = MsgBox("You are about to delete contacts. Are
you sure you want to continue?", vbOKCancel, "WARNING!")

If msgboxresult = vbOK Then
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE Contactmain.*, contactmain.cdelete " _
& "FROM contactmain WHERE (((contactmain.cdelete)=True));"
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End If

If msgboxresult = vbCancel Then
If Me.CDelete = yes Then
Me.CDelete = no
End If
End If

End Sub


I have a msgbox that asks the user to confirm deleting records. If the
user presses cancel, I want to set each checkbox back to No. I've
tried .requery, .repaint, if...then. Nothing has worked. I think I
need something like a For each...then. I've looked at the help and
can't find anything on that. I'm also getting an error that I can't
assign a value to me.cDelete. TIA Here's my code now:

Private Sub Form_Close()
Dim msgboxresult As String

msgboxresult = MsgBox("You are about to delete contacts. Are
you sure you want to continue?", vbOKCancel, "WARNING!")

If msgboxresult = vbOK Then
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE Contactmain.*, contactmain.cdelete " _
& "FROM contactmain WHERE (((contactmain.cdelete)=True));"
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End If

If msgboxresult = vbCancel Then
If Me.CDelete = yes Then
Me.CDelete = no
End If
End If

End Sub

I assume the check box [cdelete] is a field in the table, not just a
control on the form.
Let's use the Execute method, so there is no need to turn Warnings on
or off.
Note: If you Delete TableName.* you going to delete all the fields in
that record, so there is no need to name the cdelete also.

Private Sub Form_Close()

If MsgBox("You are about to delete contacts. Are you sure you want
to continue?", vbOKCancel, "WARNING!") = vbOK Then

CurrentDb.Execute "DELETE Contactmain.* FROM contactmain WHERE
contactmain.cdelete=True;" , dbFailOnError
CurrentDb.Execute "Update Contactmain Set ContactMain.cdelete = 0;",

End If


Thanks! Works great. I've never used the execute method. I'm gonna
have to see what else I can do with that.

Thanks again,

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