'Unbound' continuos subform


Kev C

I have an Access 2000 application which keeps track of jobs and their
To enable the user to enter several records with similar information, I have
a form in which the user selects with look ups, record id's from several
tables (client,supplier, location etc) lets call this the header
information, which they only need to enter once every time they open the
form, they then enter detail information for the individual jobs in a
continuos subform ( start date, finish date e.t.c.). Then for each detail
record, the header and detail info is copied to the jobs table using ADO
when the user clicks the add jobs button and closes the form. I use this
method rather than astandard main sub form setup since I found users were
canceling out of the form after already adding several records to the jobs
table. Not what I want since previosly they presumed they had cancelled all
the job entries . This also ensures a more contiguos run of job numbers
which is generated from the autonumber ID field of the jobs table right
after the point were the ado .AddNew instrucion is placed in code. No
entries are deleted incorrect or cancelled entries are flagged as such,
their should hopefully then be no missing job numbers.

You cannot create and unbound continuos form, so at the moment to enable
them to enter the detail for the records in the continuos subform. I create
a tempory table suing ADO in the main form open event, set the subform
datasource to the temporary table and the form controls datasource's to the
requsite fields in the table. The table is deleted when the form closes. I
do it this way since I understand that this is a better way to avoid
database bloat than deleteing all records from a permanent table. However
this this still causes some bloating of the database.

My questions are this.
Am I right in my asumption that you cannot create an unbound continuos form?
Am I missing some easier way to achieve what i'm doing.
Is there a more elegant way of achieving this in access.
I have tried using a disconnected recordset but acces forms dont seem to
accept an ado recordset as a recordsource, can this be done?

Bodi Klamph

Hi Kev

Yes, you're right, you cannot have an unbound continuous form. Your method
of using a temp table is what I used as well. You could try making it a non
autonumber field, and manually adding 1 to the record before it saves. If
they end up cancelling the form, as you reported they were doing, you could
have a simple DELETE statement that deletes the record if no subrecords


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