Unable to view html source code


Karl Neumann

Dear Users,

I have two PCs on a home network sharing one cable internet connection. On
both machines the IE options are exactly the same. One will not display the
code for any web page when clicking "View" then "Source" on the IE menu bar.
Does anyone have an idea why?



Arkadiusz 'Black Fox' Artyszuk

Karl said:
I have two PCs on a home network sharing one cable internet connection. On
both machines the IE options are exactly the same. One will not display the
code for any web page when clicking "View" then "Source" on the IE menu bar.
Does anyone have an idea why?

Check registry keys
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions
for dword value "NoViewSource" - remove it or change its value to 0
Next you should delete IE temporary files. Check if file Notepad.exe
exists in Windows directory. Go to registry key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\View Source Editor\Editor Name
and edit string value named "default" and set there path to source
viewer, e.g. "C:\Windows\System32\Notepad.exe".


Sometimes it also happends when you installed a program to run java and
it conflicts with explorer. It also happend to me a couple of times!

David Candy

One cause is that the cache is full. You should be able to do it on cached pages (before the cached filled) but not on pages after the cache filled up.

There are other causes.

George Hester

Another cause of this is having a shortcut to Notepad on the desktop.
Remove it if you do.

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