Unable to use the function Left in VBA


Torben Laursen


I'm trying to trim a string and want's to use the function Left.
But if I try to use Left, VBA changes it to left and give me a run error:
Can't find project or library

Does anyone know how to use Left?

I'm using Excel 2000 and VBA 6.0

Thanks Torben


library. open VB editor.(alt+F11) goto tools>references
there are your libraries. I don't know which one but it's
one of them.

Tom Ogilvy

In the VBE go to tools=>References and in the references at the top, there
should be at least one shown as MISSING. Although this is probably not
related to the MID function, that is just where Excel decides to tell you
about it. In any event, if you need this reference, then you need to fix
it by finding it on that machine using the browse button. If you don't need
it, then you should go back to your machine and the source file and remove
it there. Then save the file and redistribute.

The other possibility is that you have used left as a variable or function
in your code. (even unintentionally).
Try putting Option Explicit at the top of your module and compiling.

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