Unable to use camera


Martin Clapton

installed new driver but the computer still cannot connect.
Tried my daughters cheap £14 camera, installed ok( Had to download a DLL
off the Web) but computer cannot connect to this one either. i am at a
yours Martin

i have a 4 year old Goodmans GDC1388 digital camera that worked fine
with ME. Now i have a clean install of xp pro i installed the drivers
from the disk, but when i plug the camera into the computer it says New
Hardware Found and tries to install it. If you continue with the
installation it creates a new TV/ VIDEO network connection for it. It
then tries to install it has a usb device, which fails.
The camera programs runs but cannot connect to camera.
I cannot install in ADD HARDWARE because it cannot find the drivers.
Manual says it suitable for 2000 but maybe it won't work with xp
yours Martin


I assume the camera connects to the pc using the USB lead/socket.....

Whilst XP loves USB.......if you dont install in EXACTLY the right order it
can really screw things up......

I had problems a while ago with my scanner, and people at work have had
similar problems with USB stuff too....

You really should install the software first......THEN attach the USB lead
as a final act.......

If you have a few USB sockets.......remove one that you know
works.......then insert the camera USB into that one......then wait a
mo......if it doesnt work......remove it........put it in another.......keep
trying this for a minute or two.....

Hopefully it should work eventually..

D B :)

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