Unable to timeout a long running request



If i have an ASPX page that is just sleeping for 3 minutes ormore and later
does some processing and the ExecutionTimeout parameter in the machine.config
is 90 seconds then the page does not timeout after 90 seconds.
Even if set the ExecutionTimeout in the web.config or the
Server.ScriptTimeout is set in the aspx.cs still the page does not timeout
after the timeout period.
Can someone please tell us as to how we can timeout an aspx page that is
doing some lengthy processing? Also when exactly does the ExecutionTimeout
take effect?

Andy Mortimer [MS]

Do you have debug=false in your web.config file? Or is aspnet_wp.exe
recycling before the 90 secs.

Andy Mortimer [MS]
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No. The debug attribut in web.config is set to true.
I don't think the aspnet_wp.exe is recycling after 90 secs either.
So then what else could be the reason as to why the request is not timing out?

Andy Mortimer [MS]

Try it with debug set to false. The executionTimeout property only works
when the debug is set to false in the

The timeout value is set to a large value(30000) to prevent getting
timedout during
debugging. So, this will work only when the debugging is set to false.

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