Unable to send emails



We just purchased a new computer with Vista and are using Windows Mail. We
are unable to send email. Our internet provider claims it is not their
system and we have been told our computer settings are set properly. When we
send an email, the error message we get is generated by Norton that says
"Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for
this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of
inactivity. Subject 'Re: test', Account: 'pop.tds.net', Server:
'smtp.tds.net', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number:



Pauline said:
We just purchased a new computer with Vista and are using Windows Mail.
are unable to send email. Our internet provider claims it is not their
system and we have been told our computer settings are set properly. When
send an email, the error message we get is generated by Norton that says
"Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes
this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of
inactivity. Subject 'Re: test', Account: 'pop.tds.net', Server:
'smtp.tds.net', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number:


Do these help?



Manuel Prado

I also have a new computer that runs with vista and I have been unable to
send e-mails using windows mail or outlook. According to my provider the
problem is not on their end, and my settings are identical to the windows xp
system of my old computer. Could you help.


For Windows Mail, you're more likely to get help if you right click on
any error messages you get and copy the entire error messages to your
next message.

Also, click on the Outbox and try to move any messages you find there
to your drafts folder or delete them. If any refuse to do either, download
and install this hotfix, with Windows Mail not running.


Although it's labelled as for mail stuck in the Outbox, it also works in
other folders. If you don't know whether you have a 32-bit version
of Vista or a 64-bit version, try the hotfix for the 32-bit version first.

A number of problems in Windows Mail are caused by interference
from antivirus programs. What if any antivirus programs do you have,
and have you ever had a Norton or McAfee antivirus program on that

It's useful to know that Outlook is also affected, but if you need more
help for Outlook, you're likely to get better help in a newsgroup
meant for Outlook, such as:


Mention which version of Outlook you're using, and that you're using
it under Vista, in case it matters.

Manuel Prado said:
I also have a new computer that runs with vista and I have been unable to
send e-mails using windows mail or outlook. According to my provider the
problem is not on their end, and my settings are identical to the windows
system of my old computer. Could you help.

Gary VanderMolen

Presumably your Windows Mail will display some error message when
you try to send. If so, don't keep that a secret. Right-click on the error message,
copy, then paste it into a reply here.
We need that diagnostic information for troubleshooting.


I am getting the following message 'The connection to the server has failed.
Subject 'Catch up', Account: 'pop.ntlworld.com', Server: 'smtp.nltworld.com',
Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10061, Error Number:
0x800CCC0E'- I have downloaded the microsoft fix mentioned before, and the
reply by Robert Miles appears to jusr be for people who have a certain
service provider.


Looks like you have a typo in the server name, and are therefore reaching
some other company's server where you do not have an account.

Many of the bugfixes are specific to accounts at the ISP that provided
them. A bugfix for ntlworld.com is included here, but hard to spot:


Gary VanderMolen

Which company provides your connection to the Internet?
If it is other than NTL, that would explain the problem.
You must use the SMTP server belonging to your Internet connection


My internet provider is Virgin who bought out ntl, but they haven't changed
the e mail addresses and on the virgin helpsite it just tells you to connect
as you did before! I am still receiving e mails I just can't send any.

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