Unable to see the bottom of my monitor screen when using Windows Movie maker (vista)



This problem has only occurred using Windows Movie Maker version 6.6. I have
posted a query on that group, also.

The bottom of the screen normally contains the " go" or " do it " button
when "publishing" a movie. On my Samsung wide screen monitor that button is
BELOW the bottom of my screen. I've tried different screen resolutions. Can
anyone help me figure out how to make the screen smaller height wise? I
have tried to adjust the vertical position of my monitor, but that
adjustment only moves the screen a small amount.

I am at the max resolution of 1068 x 1050. Other resolution choices seem to
drive the bottom of the screen even further down.
Any help or work-around would be appreciated.
regards, and thanks....Rich


You should be able to right click on the mini display of the window at the
bottom of the screen and select "Move", then you can move the real window


Thanks, but there doesn't seem to be a "mini display" of a window on any
side of my monitor. I doubled checked to be certain that all icons were
showing. Any additional help appreciated. This is Vista home version if
that helps.
thanks Rich


If you are running Aero when you move your mouse to down over the task bar
you should see "mini windows over the task bar entries". If not try right
clicking on the task bar entry for your window.


I got lucky and my programmer son happened to call while he was away on a
vacation trip! He said to hit ALT-SPACEBAR. Sure enough. That produced
the MOVE command for my use. Thanks for the help here, too. Problem solved.

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