Unable to search for "A word or phrase in the file"


Inge Buller


When I try to search for files, whatever I put in the "word or phrase" field
is used as "All or part of the file name" The problem seems related to the
fact that i´m looking for sql script files. If I change the file extension
to .txt it seems to work?

Any ideas?

David Nimon

A dumb question I know, but I'll ask anyway:

Do the SQL script files truly have an extension of .sql rather than .txt?
The reason I ask is that the scripts are really text anyway and I've seen
such script files at work saved as .txt.

You might also go here:


and download a (free) file/text search tool for XP's native one. It's
better. It may help, too.

Inge Buller

yep, all files are *.sql (and I have thousands of them...).

I know it used to work with W2K...

Will try the free tool. I have tried a few search utilities, none of them
very good.

David Nimon

If this helps....Agent Ransack (the free utility) just found all instances
of *.sql on my hard drive.

Hope it works for you.

Inge Buller

That was the best computer-related advice I have ever gotten ;-)

Just tried the program, works great!

David Nimon

You're welcome. I'm glad to have the opportunity to help someone else on
these forums just as many have helped me.

Inge Buller

BTW, I think I understand what was going on:
All my sql files were zipped when I moved to a new conputer. That big zip
file is now unzipped, but for some reason XP still sees it as one file. So
the sql-files names become the contents of that file.
Does that make sense?

Doesn´t solve the problem, but then again, I´m never going to use XP:s own
search again, and THAT solves it!


Thanks for the above info because as of 2005-06-30 this problem still
exists in WindowsXP with SP2. Changing the file extension to .TXT
causes "WindowsXP Search Companion" to work properly. Changing the
extension back to .SQL causes it to fail again. What was Microsoft
thinking when they decided to do it this way? If the file type is
displayed as "Text Document" in a detailed folder display then why
would "WindowsXP Search Companion" see it differently?

David Candy

What are you tallking about. Do not snip the history.

The reason is WTF would a user want to search SQL files. So they can have lots of irrelevent hits when they are looking for a photo of their grandmother or an old resume.

Bit as you snipped I can't say more cos I have no idea what has gone on before. Repost correctly.

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