Unable to read message content


Rhianna Kreger

I have a pop3 account. I am able to download all my messages but random ones
do not appear in the message reading pane. (They appear totally blank.) If I
drag it over to my desktop and open it there, I can read it, (but then I
can't reply to it). It also seems random; sometimes they are HTML messages,
other times they just seem like simple plain text.

Please help!

Thank you in advance.

- RT Kreger

John W. Vinson

I have a pop3 account. I am able to download all my messages but random ones
do not appear in the message reading pane. (They appear totally blank.) If I
drag it over to my desktop and open it there, I can read it, (but then I
can't reply to it). It also seems random; sometimes they are HTML messages,
other times they just seem like simple plain text.

Please help!

Thank you in advance.

- RT Kreger

You're asking in the wrong place, Rhianna - this forum is for questions about
the Microsoft database program named Access. I'd suggest reposting your
question in a forum supporting whatever software you're using for messages.

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