Unable to open PDF files on Citrix server through Outlook



We have a Citrix server where remote users login and use Outlook. When
they double click on a pdf attachment in Outlook to open it the are
only prompted to save to disk. All the in house users who do not use
the Citrix server can open PDF attachments just fine. We have the
outlook security tool installed, but PDF is not listed as a troubled
extension. Please help!!!!!! Server is 2003 and Outlook is 2003 as

Roady [MVP]

Isn't it in the registry either on the server? If you start Outlook locally
on the server do experience the same thing?

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]

Tips of the month:
-Properly back-up and restore your Outlook data
-Creating a Permanent New Mail Desktop Alert in Outlook 2003

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