Unable to open Explorer, Folders, Recycle Bin .....



When I try to open Explorer or My Computer or Recycle bin
or any other folder this error message appear: "This
module was compiled with a trial version version of
Delphi. The trial period has expired". I am not able to
view anything and the computer is unusable unless I set
the clock back 1 day earlier (november 26 or earlier) .
Whenever I set it to normal time (november 27 or later)
it doesn't work and the computer is unusable.

Outlook, MS Word and other softwares are not affected.

Thank you for you help!


Well from the sounds of it you have a program controling
your computer right now. Sense you can clock it back, I
would do that. Then run a virus scan and see if it picks
it up. If it does not work then you will have to try to
search for it. You should be able to get rid of it
somehow. As a last resort you can always do a Windows
Restore. Hope you figure it out. Good Luck!

Alex Nichol

Claude said:
When I try to open Explorer or My Computer or Recycle bin
or any other folder this error message appear: "This
module was compiled with a trial version version of
Delphi. The trial period has expired".

This appears to arise from a new trojan/spyware. If you get AdAware
from www.lavasoftusa.com, and make sure you get the latest update of its
reference files (dated Nov 22) then run it, it is reported to cure the

David Candy

It is necessarly. Because there is a rash of them, where there were none a few days ago.

David Candy

One can never be certain of anything. Including if one will wake up. If someone would just follow my troubleshooting tests we would know. Why can't I just make people do what I want them too.


Well. It can be anything. However, based on the number of issues occurred
lately, it *seems* to be a spyware/trojan.

You can also see few were able to solve the problem using Ad-Aware (with
updated defs)

Ramesh - Microsoft MVP

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program

~ Please reply to newsgroup ~

It is necessarly. Because there is a rash of them, where there were none a
few days ago.
rifleman said:

Well the Borland link doesn't mention Trojans or spyware. I agree it MIGHT
be those, but NOT necessarily.

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