Unable to obtain ip address after SP2



Hi, I realize that there have been more than a few messages on this
subject but none of the solutions recommended in those messages has

I recently installed SP2. When I restarted, I had 'limited or no'
networking. In 'network connections' I found that windows was unable
to get an ip address via dhcp and so had fallen back on 169.x.x.x. So
I try ipconfig renew/release without any luck. In our house we have a
few computers that connect to the internet through a microsoft wired
basestation so I thought that maybe the router was the problem. I
checked the other pc, and it was working fine. I checked the router
config, it was ok but I reset it anyway. Still no ip on my pc.

So I look on the net and try some of the things that have worked for
others: Netsh int ip reset does nothing. I try the winsock fix.

I should explain what I mean by 'nothing': ipconfig /all sees the
network interface and says that DHCP is enabled. I can ping
and localhost just fine. I can't ping anything else, including the
router. The lights on the network card are on, and windows knows when
the cord is unplugged. I'm sure that the problem is with the config of
my pc because I have linux installed on the same pc and if I boot into
linux the network works fine. I have tried another network card on the
pc with the same results.

So at this point I decide to use system restore and go back to before
I installed SP2. That works but doesn't fix the problem. I put in the
windows CD and sit through a repair install. The problem is still

I don't understand why my pc is unable to get an ip address!

Oh yeah, I've also tried setting a static IP and i've turned on tcp
filtering and set it to enable. Neither worked.




Please have a look at

And please report back and let me know whether any information
in there solved your problem or not.


Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately I had already checked that site
and it did not help. Something that someone else posted in this
newsgroup did though, and my network is again functioning.

I don't remember exactly who said it, but someone remarked that xp
will disable a network interface if the built in firewall is turned
off and it doesn't recognise a third party firewall. This newsgroup is
the only place I saw this, not on any microsoft documents at all, so I
didn't immediately think that might be the problem. After installing
SP2 I had promptly disabled the firewall since I am behind a router
and I have sygate installed (although not set to turn on at boot). As
well, I had used system restore to return to the point in time before
SP2 was installed.

Well, I guess that SP2 isn't completely removed by system restore and
a repair install because as soon as I turned on Sygate, the network
connection got an ip address and all was well again.

Why M$ couldn't tell me something like "no firewall operating so I'm
disabling your adapter for your own good" is something I'd like to

Hans-Georg Michna

will disable a network interface if the built in firewall is turned
off and it doesn't recognise a third party firewall.


thank you very much for reporting back!

Actually I didn't know this either. What exactly do you mean by
network interface? How did you re-enable it?


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