unable to load "Excel" analysis toolpak tried the tools and brows



We are using the "Microsoft office student and teachers edition 2003" which
may not support all office functions. My daughter would like to use the
"analysis toolpak" for a school project. we have the CD but this does not
appear to be an option. tried to tools button but "analysis toolpak" is not
an option. tried to Browse and no luck.

Peo Sjoblom

Put in the CD and install it, you should get an options of adding to the
installation already in place, then select excel, click in the tree-view
until you can select it, make sure run from this computer is selected,
install it, open excel and check it if necessary under tools>add-ins as well


Thank you very much. This worked. However When I selected Excel to add the
analysis toolpak to excel I managed to remove all of the other office
products. But I am back in business.

Once again thanks for helping a novice.

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