Unable to find a folder containg spyware



Hello, I hope someone can help me. I recently went from using Windows 98 to
Windows xp. I have had some problems which I am working through. One is as

I did a virus scan using Norton Antivirus. It gave me the following
message- "There is a compressed file cscrsr.dll within Unkown00000000.data
within C:\RECYCLER\S-
1-5-21-1606980848-839522115-717810115-1004\Dc216\T$app11.$tm is a spy ware

I got the instructions to unregister the .dll file. These were to "click
start then run. then copy the follwing text - regsvr32 /u "(Dil path and
file name from the list below)". Only trouble is there is no cscrsr.dll file
in the list.

I have tried to find this file using the search option. I cannot even find
C:\RECYCLER. I have even searched with the whole file name as above and
different variations. I am not that sound in my understanding of computers
but shouldnt I be able to find this folder easily. Sorry this explanation is
so long winded. I hope there is someone out there who can help.


Recycler is the "Recycle Bin" or Trash Can. Have you tried emptying your
Recycle Bin? Also Recycler is a Hidden System Folder, you'll need to
un/check some boxes in Folder Options to see them.


The folder you re looking for is likely "hidden". When
performing a search specify that hidden and system files
be included. Alternatively, use explorers tools>folder
options menu to display systems and hidden files.

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