Unable to Configure VPN Server 1NIC...


Eric A

Hello all, Do I have a VPN Server or what please help!!!

I have a NAT DSL router with WIN2K running AD. My Server
has a static IP address I am trying to
configure VPN from my office to my homeserver. In trying
to follow the direction for installing VPN, I used the
Configure and Enable routing and remote Access wizard.
However, when I got to Common Configurations and I picked
VPN, the next screen had two options for me:

1. <No internet Connection> and
2. Server IP Address

However when I clicked the server IP address, I could not
complete the configuration because it told me the sustem
needed one interface for public and one for private. And I
could not go any further.

Then I clicked on Remote access server and the
installation went through. What do I have now? Is this
still a VPN Server or a remote access server?

Furthermore, after completion of Remote Access Server, I
cheked the properties and found that the IP range that I
gave to the remote system was to
(11). On the IP tab of the RAS properties, the range I
specified was there, but it also has an IP address of and Mask of I know I did not
put the last IP address or subnet anywhere in my config.
Can someone please help.

Thank you all

Bill Grant

Even if you have two NICs, be very wary of using the VPN server option in
the wizard. This option should only be used if the server is to be used for
VPN ONLY. It will set up filters to block all traffic which is not VPN

What you want to do is possible, but there are plenty of traps.

1. Your server does not have a public interface, so you will need to
connect to your router's public interface, and forward the PPTP traffic from
the router to the server (tcp port 1723).
2. You will need to configure your server for remote access in the RRAS
wizard (or use the manual config option).
3. Test the connection using a local LAN client, then try connecting from
a remote site. It will fail if your router blocks GRE (IP protocol 47).
4. Making an AD DC a remote access server can cause problems for your LAN
clients. As soon as a remote client connects, your server is multihomed, and
this can upset all sorts of things. See KB 292822 .

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