Unable to browse when waking up from sleep




I have a Dell Inspiron 1501 laptop with Windows Vista pre-installed.

The wireless network works fine but if I set the computer to sleep and
then wake it up again, then I'm unable to open any web pages. Still,
I'm able to ping servers in a command prompt window, so I'm indeed
connected. In addition to Internet Explorer I have installed Firefox
and Opera and those browsers have the same problem.

I can reproduce this problem every time. If I reboot, then all is fine

Any ideas about what is going wrong here?


Schrodinger's cat


I have a Dell Inspiron 1501 laptop with Windows Vista pre-installed.

The wireless network works fine but if I set the computer to sleep and
then wake it up again, then I'm unable to open any web pages. Still,
I'm able to ping servers in a command prompt window, so I'm indeed
connected. In addition to Internet Explorer I have installed Firefox
and Opera and those browsers have the same problem.

I can reproduce this problem every time. If I reboot, then all is fine

Any ideas about what is going wrong here?


It's a known bug.

You have to go into Network Settings and do a "Repair connection" each time
you come out of sleep mode. I just shut down now...



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