Unable to add page numbers in Word


Grandma Barb

I am unable to insert page numbers in my Word documents. I found the section
on this topic and was elated to see that there is a solution. But...I have
followed the instructions about moving the Building Blocks file so that Word
will rebuild the file but it did not work for me. What shall I try next?

Graham Mayor

Page numbers are merely fields in the page header/footer. Open the
header/footer - press CTRL+F9, then between the brackets type PAGE. Press F9
to update the field and if necessary ALT+F9 to display the result. You don't
need building blocks for this.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

My web site www.gmayor.com

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

Grandma Barb

The grayed out icons are found in the Insert tab , header & footer section,
Page Number. None of the top four selections are active: bottom of page,
top of page, page numbers, or current positions.

I still get the window saying Word cannot open this document template.
(C:\=\...\1033\Building blocks.dotx) when I try to insert a text box. I
moved the Building blocks file to another folder and closed down word and
came back up but that did not seem to correct that problem.

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