Unable to access msn.com



I have a network with about 12 users, using XP, 2000 and

Two of their most popular sites are www.msn.com and
www.msnbc.com. Many of the users are now unable to access
these sites while others are able to. I cannot find a
common problem. They have been able to access all other
sites that they have tried so I do not think it is a
problem of their browser setting. They run a mix of IE5.0
and 6.0 with various cipher strengths, most 128 bit.

3 Win 2000 pro machines cannot access
2 Win XP pro machines cannot access
1 Win 98 machine cannot access

2 Win 2000 pro machines can access
1 Win 98 machine can access.

Most used one of these sites as a home page, but others
did not, so I ruled that out.

Has anyone else encountered this or a similar problem.

One of the 2000 pr machines i just upgraded at Microsoft's
website to the latest Internet Explorer. it is Version
6.0.2800.1106, cipher strength 56 bit, Update
version :;SP1;

I ran spybot, which found nothing.

Where should I look to solve this?



Any popup blockers, firewalls, proxy servers, or routers involved?
Also make sure they have java installed and IE security is set to default


They all are behind the same cable modem router connection
with the default windows installation. All were able to
access the msn.com website up till a few days ago. Users
claim that they have not changed their settings.



I just love it when i hear this
"Users claim that they have not changed their settings."

i would try and reset the router, seems like somehow
ports have been closed


Does the router have any website or keyword blocking turned on? On our
router with keyword blocking turned on, some can access msn and hotmail and
some can't. Turn it off and all work fine.
Also I notice that msn.com is using some new (looks like java or vb script)
to code some pretty graphics and pop up ads. If java or vb is messed up on
the user computers the pages could not load. Also popup blockers will stop
these kinds of java graphics from loading and crash websites. One popup
blocker I use crashes IE on espn.com. The user may not have changed
anything, but the content on the page has changed and these types of
ads/graphics could crash IE if java was not installed or corrupt. Maybe try
reinstalling or updating the java virtual machine:


working at msn myself we find on a network, setting up on the "trusted sites" in internet options under the security tab adjusting *.msn.com as a trusted site works grea

NOTE: remember to uncheck the box before trying to add for it's not a secure website.

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