Unable to access a PPT



I have a user who is unable to access any PPT
Basically they double click on the ppt & powerpoint does open but to a new file & not to the file which they are trying to open. If they then browse to this file they recive the following error message

"the path or file name for c:\electrics.ppt is invalid. Please check that the path and file name are correct

I am able to access this file on my laptop so its not a file problem
Have recreated the file assosiation on the PC but to no avail
User has local admin rights & full access to these files

Any ideas

Thanks in advanc

Steve Rindsberg

Have tried that Steve (thankyou) but didn't seem to work - any more ideas?

Have you tried Help, Detect & Repair?

If that doesn't work, try creating a new user profile on the computer. We've
seen some really odd things happen as the result of (apparently) corrupted

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