unabe to open explorer links



When clicking a link on any webpage that should access
another page or location, there is an audile crunching
sound without a change in the web page.

These links do work when using Netscape but not when using
the preferred MS Explorer...

I'm currently using ver. 6.0 hope there is a solution.

Thank you in advance,


Frank Saunders, MS-MVP

plf said:
When clicking a link on any webpage that should access
another page or location, there is an audile crunching
sound without a change in the web page.

These links do work when using Netscape but not when using
the preferred MS Explorer...

I'm currently using ver. 6.0 hope there is a solution.

Thank you in advance,


From http://www.fjsmjs.com/OE/nolinks.htm

Open Windows Explorer.
Go to Tools | Folder Options | File Types.
Scroll down to URL:HyperText Transfer Protocol and select it.
Click Edit or Advanced, depending on your Windows version.
Select 'open'.
Click Edit.

"Application used to perform this action" should read:

(Check the path to iexplore.exe to make sure that is correct and use the
double quotes.)

DDE should be checked and in the boxes below it you should have:

#3 (blank)


URL:HyperText Transfer Protocol with Privacy should be the same.

Sometimes it is necessary to uncheck Use DDE.

If that doesn't fix it, go to Start | Run and type

regsvr32 urlmon.dll

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
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