Un-installing windows messenger doesn't work



Usual method = add/remove windows components>clear checkbox>next = finished.
I thought this would work. I was wrong.

Running the windows meessenger executable = messenger up and running as
normal. Therefore uninstall obviously had nill affect.

Real un-install procedure = ? o_O

Jason Tsang

It just hides it (it doesn't really 'want' to be removed because other
programs are dependent on Windows Messenger to be present for them to
work... Remote Assistance, App Sharing, even Windows Live Messenger itself
for some functions).

If you *must* uninstall it (and don't mind breaking stuff that is dependent
on it)....

Goto Start, Run and type (in one line)
RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %windir%\INF\msmsgs.inf,BLC.Remove

Jason Tsang - Microsoft MVP

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