Umh !



I have a small problems, and have racked my brains to think of a way
out. So after 2 mins decided I need your help again. I have some code
in an excel spreadsheet which says
=IF(D13>0,B13&""&D13&""&J13,""). So far everything is OK, I have the
contents of 3 cells into one cell. The problem is B13 has a date format
21-FEB-06, when the B13 date is dispayed with the D13 & J13 in the
single cell, the date is displayed as 38721. Is it posible to have the
date displayed as it is in B13.

Don Guillett

please try to use MEANINGFUL subject lines for archival purposes.


Bernard Liengme

Use the TEXT function as in
You can, of course, use whatever date format you like.

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