UICulture on MUI WindowsXP question



Hi !
I have determined, that
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture is en-US if I
choose english as language for menus and dialogues in a MUI WindowsXP.
If i set the LOC flag on english (US) it is possible to change the
dataset settings, because these are also en-US. But if I choose LOC
en-GB, System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture stay in
en-US and it is not possible to set culture changes (NsNSymbol) on the

Why does System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture not
change to en-GB, if I change the LOC flag to en-GB ? (this happens just
on a MUI XP. On a normal, it works.

Morten Wennevik

Hi schaf,

Not sure what you mean by changing LOC flag, but CurrentUICulture changes
the resource file, and affects controls and certain settings, provided
your application is shipping the resource file for the new culture. To
change the culture the code is running under, use CurrentCulture.

I'm not familier with MUI OS, but it appears to sit above the
localization, making it appear localized while actually being only the
english version (en-US I suppose). As far as I know, MUI will select the
proper resource file, but it may not change the CurrentUICulture.

To detect the localization on MUI systems use MUI specific methods



Hi Morton !
I'm sorry about describing so confusing. I did not have enough time.
In the regional settings it is possible to select number and DateTime
format in the RegionalOptions tab. In a MUI OS it is possible to select
the language used for Dialogues and menus (in the languages tab). This
allows french dialogues and menus and en-US dateTime and number format.
The DataSet.Locale is read-only as long as my MUI menu and dialog
settings are different to the settings with the number and datetime.
Sounds OK, but if I choose english as Menu and dialog language and
en-GB as number and dateTime format the dataset.Locale is read-only and
it is not possible to set the NaNSymbole (forInstance)

I have to investigate the MUI settings and the impact on NLS support of
a software.



Hi chanmm!

Thanks for your answer. I have read the BasicInstincts, but I can not
determine why the Dataset.Locale is Read-Only, when I use the Windows
XP MUI and the selected localization (for dateTime and numbers) does
not fit System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture and why
this stay in en-US when I change it to en-GB.
Thanks and regards

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