.udl file?



Hello. Is there a way or possible to create a link table in MS Access using
a .udl file as the data source? Just wondering a way to have like an easily
accessible connection file on our internal network for MS Access to use in
avoiding to have to set up an odbc connection on all of the users machines.
I tried playing with creating a file dsn but seems there are issues with
this and doesn't work too well.

Thanks in advance.


Pretty slick. I just implemented this on a small test mdb using the first
Addendum since most of our mdb's aren't on the same domain and that sql
logins is more convenient. But just a quick question is that is there a way
to avoid the "Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a
trusted SQL Server connection." warning popup? I notice after clicking the
OK button and then seeing the "SQL Server Login" prompt, the "Use Trusted
Connection" checkbox is checked on which would explain why the initial
warning/error popup displays so would there be a way to have this unchecked
so it would be less startling for the end user in just go straight to the
"SQL Server Login" popup prompt?

Thanks Douglas.

Douglas J. Steele

There's a link on my page to Carl Prothman's page, where you can find what
changes you'd need to make to the connection string to allow SQL Server
login. You could prompt the user for their SQL Server login and password and
relink the tables when they start the database.

You could simply try leaving off the ";Trusted_Connection=Yes;" from the end
of the connection string and see whether that's sufficient (sorry, all my
databases are Trusted, so I can't test)

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