UDF returns different result in worksheet to that in VBA



I created a UDF to return the range/s of the visible cells in an AutoFiltered

When I use the function in VBA it returns the correct result with the range
as an array of the visible cells like the following.

When I use the function on a worksheet it simply returns a range that is the
first and last cells of the unfiltered data in the entire Autofilter range
including the non visible cells like the following.

Is this just an idiosyncrasy of Excel or am I missing something here.

Sub Test_FilterRnge()
MsgBox FilterRnge(, 0)
End Sub

Function FilterRnge(Optional strWs As String = "", _
Optional bolAbs As Boolean = False) As String

Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim FilterVisible As Range

If strWs = "" Then
Set ws = ActiveSheet
Set ws = Sheets(strWs)
End If

If ws.AutoFilterMode Then 'Test if filter arrows present
If ws.FilterMode Then 'Test if actually filtered

With ws.AutoFilter.Range

'Next line returns number of visible cells divided _
by number of columns in AutoFilter range. _
If greater than 1 then some data is visible. _
Equal to 1 then only column headers visible.
If .SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Count / _
.Columns.Count > 1 Then

'Assign the filtered range/s to a VBA variable _
No Column Headers; Data only. _
(Column numbers can be omitted in _
Offset and Resize functions.)
Set FilterVisible = .Offset(1, 0) _
.Resize(.Rows.Count - 1, .Columns.Count) _
End If

End With

End If

End If

If Not FilterVisible Is Nothing Then
FilterRnge = FilterVisible.Address(bolAbs, bolAbs)
FilterRnge = "Error!"
End If

End Function

Peter T

Unfortunately SpecialCells does not work with a UDF called from a cell
Look at the Hidden property of rows in the filter range.

Peter T


Hi Peter,

I give up. Where do I find this or some documentation on what you are
referring to?
"Look at the Hidden property of rows in the filter range."

Gary''s Student

Look at this simple function:

Function see_able(inputt As Range) As String
Dim rr As Range, r As Range
see_able = ""
Set rr = Intersect(inputt, ActiveSheet.UsedRange)
For Each r In rr
If Rows(r.Row).Hidden = False Then
If see_able = "" Then
see_able = r.Address
see_able = see_able & "," & r.Address
End If
End If
End Function

It does not use SpecialCells. It just loops thru the cells in the input
range and determines if they are in a visible row or not. So if rows 5 thru
7 are hidden, then:


will display:


in the worksheet.


Thanks to both of you for the answers. A picture is worth a 1000 words.

To Peter,

I appreciate your taking the time to answer and the first part of your
answer confirms
to me that it is is just an idiosyncrasy of Excel.

I completely misunderstood what you were referring to by "Look at the Hidden
property of rows in the filter range". I thought that you meant that it would
explain all about the first part of your answer and I couldn't make the

I am now assuming that Gary's Student correctly interpretted what you meant
and it now makes sense.

By the way at this point in time I don't need it as a worksheet function and
can't even think of a use for it as a worksheet function at the moment. I
only want the VBA to copy filtered results and decided to come up with
something generic. I just had the function in a cell during testing.

Peter T

Try this and adapt to your needs -

Function VisFilterRows(Optional ws As Worksheet, _
Optional bUseAddress As Boolean) As String
Dim n As Long
Dim s As String, t1 As String, t2 As String
Dim rFlt As Range
Dim rw As Range

On Error Resume Next
If ws Is Nothing Then Set ws = Application.Caller.Parent
On Error GoTo errH
If ws Is Nothing Then Set ws = ActiveSheet

Set rFlt = ws.AutoFilter.Range

For Each rw In rFlt.Rows

If Not rw.Hidden Then
If bUseAddress Then
t2 = rw.Address(0, 0)
t2 = rw.Row
End If
If Len(t1) = 0 Then
t1 = t2
End If
ElseIf Len(t2) Then
If Len(t1) Then
If t1 <> t2 Then
t1 = t1 & ":" & t2
End If
s = s & t1 & ","
t1 = "": t2 = ""
End If
End If

If Len(t1) Then
If t1 <> t2 Then
t1 = t1 & ":" & t2
End If
s = s & t1 & ","
t1 = "": t2 = ""
End If

n = Len(s)
If n Then s = Left$(s, n - 1)
VisFilterRows = s

Exit Function

VisFilterRows = "err:" & Err.Number
End Function

Peter T

Peter T

That demo is not quite right if using bUseAddress=True and the filter range
is 2+ columns. Easy to fix but as I doubt anyone will ever want it just
remove the option altogether.

Peter T

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