Udated SP 2?



Hi. If I wait a few weeks before downloading SP 2, will any of the
known glitches be fixed? Or will it be the same as the CD that one can
send for?
Will they issue a new updated CD in the near future do you think?
Thanks. Dingo

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

The SP-2 available now will be identical to that available next year.
Changes such as you suggest have only happened twice.
Once for an NT Service Pack that had major issues far worse than
Windows XP SP-2.
Second was the release of Windows XP SP-1a to replace SP-1.
That was done only as a result of a court settlement and then only
Microsoft Virtual Machine was removed.
No other issues were resolved in SP-1a.

If you wait and do nothing more, you are simply wasting a few weeks,
nothing more.
Instead research your computer hardware and software for known issues
and fixes.
Most will be simple configurations because of added security and are
not really issues at all:

Make sure your computer is ready for SP-2:

Ron Martell

Dingo said:
Hi. If I wait a few weeks before downloading SP 2, will any of the
known glitches be fixed? Or will it be the same as the CD that one can
send for?
Will they issue a new updated CD in the near future do you think?
Thanks. Dingo

No indication that any sort of a change to SP2 itself will be issued.

There will be additional updates issued, as further fixes or
enhancements to XP beyond SP2 (in fact I believe the first of these
has already been issued); but I seriously doubt that we will see a
repeat of the Service Pack 1 to Service Pack 1a situation unless there
is some legal action that requires this.

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP
On-Line Help Computer Service

"The reason computer chips are so small is computers don't eat much."

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

Most of fixes for SP-2 are simple reconfigurations already available.
Many other problems eliminated by computer maintenance and
Otherwise wait 1 - 2 years.
My guess is closer to 2 years.


There is no need to "fix" SP2. It installs on over 90% of computers with no
issues. Your Computer has issues, and it is upon you to figure out what the
conflicts are. SP2 seems to cause problems on computers that are not well
maintained, have older drivers, etc.

Perhaps instead of posting snide jabs at MS, if you posted what problems you
are having, we can work together to try and resolve them.


((NOTE: I have 5 computers of varying configurations and vintages in my
home. All of them updated to SP2 with no issues whatsoever. I also have 23
computers on a small network at work that I am responsible for maintaining.
I deployed SP2 to them, and had only one minor issue with a NIC card in one
of the computers. SP2 was not at fault. I simply went to the website of
the manufacturer of the NIC, downloaded the latest drivers for that card,
and installed them...problem solved.))


NoNoBadDog! said:
There is no need to "fix" SP2. It installs on over 90% of computers with no
issues. Your Computer has issues, and it is upon you to figure out what the
conflicts are. SP2 seems to cause problems on computers that are not well
maintained, have older drivers, etc.

Interestingly I installed SP2 on a three-year old Toshiba Tecra laptop with
no problems what so ever!


There is an issue with OE attachments that use a converter or viewer like
pps or wpd files. When you try to open the attachment the message that
there is no program associated with this file type pops up. The converter
or viewer is the associated program in file types and if the attachment is
saved to My Documents, it opens fine. I have contacted MS support and have
a case open but it is slow going because this is not their only problem.
This used to work pre-sp2 and now it does not. This problem has been posted
in the OE N/G.

Maybe this is the only sp2 item that does not function. However, from what
I read in the news groups, I do not believe it. Not every problem is due to
a bad pre-sp2 computer issue. It is beyond belief that sp2 is error free.
People need to update drivers, update old programs, etc. But it is wrong to
tell posters that every problem is theirs.



Thanks everyone. More than adequate information. I can proceed with
guarded abandon:) Dingo.

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