Typed Dataset vs Classes - XSD.exe



Good Morning;

I am collecting feedback on typed datasets vs class representation
implementation using automated code generated by XSD.exe. I can see the
benefits for a typed dataset for a rich UI application but do not see it for
non UI driven applications using the obejects. Inheritence.. etc.. Can
anyone direct me to some good info or thoughts about the subject.


David Browne

BeanTownBizTalkGuru said:
Good Morning;

I am collecting feedback on typed datasets vs class representation
implementation using automated code generated by XSD.exe. I can see the
benefits for a typed dataset for a rich UI application but do not see it
non UI driven applications using the obejects. Inheritence.. etc.. Can
anyone direct me to some good info or thoughts about the subject.

You've pretty much got it.

DataSets offer
automatic change tracking and marshaling for your objects.
data binding
sorting and filtering

Classes offer
simpler representation
maximum performance for single object instances

The DataSet's features support the Fetch, Filter, Sort, Add/Update/Delete,
Save workflow. If your this is what your applicaion does, then wether or
not it has a UI, the DataSet will save you time.


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