type mismatch error in word automation



This code was working fine until today for some reason. I'm having to change
my enumerations to numbers for reasons explained here:

But that's not the issue below (just wanted you to know why I'm doign that).
So I'm suddenly getting "type mismatch" errors on for example the 3rd line
below. The "CarrierName" field has a text value in it for example of
"Argonaut" so it has a valid text value. The position in the Word dot file
that is being used for the automation is just a cell in a table (not a
bookmark with any "type" set). This seems pretty random. Some of the
"TypeText" lines work and others don't. Like I said, before I changed my
code due to suggestions in the link above, the "TypeText" code worked fine.
Any ideas?

objWord.Selection.TypeText "Workers' Compensation"
objWord.Selection.MoveRight Unit:=12 'wdCell
objWord.Selection.TypeText rsCarriersInfo!CarrierName
objWord.Selection.MoveRight Unit:=12 'wdCell
Nz(rsCarriersInfo!CarrierStatus, "")
objWord.Selection.MoveRight Unit:=12 'wdCell
Nz(rsCarriersInfo!CarrierBestsRating, "")
objWord.Selection.MoveRight Unit:=12 'wdCell
Nz(rsCarriersInfo!CarrierFinStrength, "")



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