Two Windows



I have used TS to get to a server. From there I TS into another server.
The drop down shows the original server but the desktop of the second
server. The original is unpinned so it bounces up and down when I mouse to
it. I wont to minimize the second server and get my original servers
desktop back. I can see the second drop down but the original always is
faster and covers up the second. MS needs to split this when we hop from
one to the other. Is there a control something I have not heard of?


Drew Hammond [MSFT]

Hi Fred,

Unfortunately, there really isn't a good way to deal with nested sessions at
this point. If you put your original client into windowed mode, you can get
to the secondary drop-down bar without interference. Once you minimize the
secondary client, you can go back to the original and continue working.

Hope this helps,

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