I have two questions:

1. The b&w POST display no longer shows on my computer.
The screen is lit but no display of info. If I press F2
the system halts and ENTER will continue to load
operating system. Any suggestion why or how to fix?

2. I have a couple of testing programs to run but can't
because I can't figure how to change the boot sequence
without the POST screen as mentioned above. Any

Thanks for the help.

Proficient at most software but new to troubleshooting

Maurice N ~ MVP

JD said:
I have two questions:

1. The b&w POST display no longer shows on my computer.
The screen is lit but no display of info. If I press F2
the system halts and ENTER will continue to load
operating system. Any suggestion why or how to fix?

2. I have a couple of testing programs to run but can't
because I can't figure how to change the boot sequence
without the POST screen as mentioned above. Any

Thanks for the help.

Proficient at most software but new to troubleshooting

You need to get into the BIOS setup to review its settings. Have you done that before? Are you somewhat familiar with it?
What name brand of pc is this? What's make/model of motherboard?

It may be your BIOS got set to do a very quick check, but even so, it should display some other info --- like the key to depress for BIOS, and the make & release date of the BIOS.

Do you see anything at all before Windows begins its load sequence?

You need to tap & repeat tapping whichever key gets this sys into BIOS --- it could be the DELete key.

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