Two OS systems




I have a Compaq computer and the restore disk has Windows98 OS. Well I bought WinXP full version home edition. Well I installed WinXP and everything went find. BUT when I boot my computer the big red COMPAQ logo is displayed and my computer asks me what OS I want to start with; two chose's Windows 98 or WinXP. Well of course WinXP...

It's like Compaq has their COMPAQ logo installed in Windows 98 and it's behind some type of partition that does allow you access to it

So I have 2 OS installed and all I want is WinX

Has anyone else had this problem and how do you get rid of it????

Thank You, Russell


Check your BIOS for a setting to display the Compaq logo. Mine has a setting
to display Intel.

To install only XP the easiest way is to reformat the hard drive(s), boot
with the XP CD and tell it to install everything.

seadooruss said:

I have a Compaq computer and the restore disk has Windows98 OS. Well I
bought WinXP full version home edition. Well I installed WinXP and
everything went find. BUT when I boot my computer the big red COMPAQ logo is
displayed and my computer asks me what OS I want to start with; two chose's
Windows 98 or WinXP. Well of course WinXP....
It's like Compaq has their COMPAQ logo installed in Windows 98 and it's
behind some type of partition that does allow you access to it.

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