two monitors - one computer



Yup I know, its a cakewalk to set up a second monitor, but not in this
instance. I have a system set up near a wall in an office(A), a neat
hole in the wall through which passes a keyboard, mouse and monitor
cables to a setup in room B.
User A has no issues and can access whatever he wants, but user B only
has an *extension* of the windows desktop, and no Start button.
Unfortunately, he cant see monitor A so has no way of launching
applications and placing their window on his monitor. Even if he uses
the windows key, it only opens the program menu on the OTHER monitor,
which of course doesnt help him.
I downloaded UltraMon because I thought it would do the job for me, but
all that achieves is to place a taskbar on the bottom of the second
screen - I want to 'mirror' the two monitors such that anything
displayed on one is also on the other. I *did* manage to make that
happen, once, but after a reboot it was back to normal and I cant see a
way of doing it again. Any advice? (Except buy a second base unit - for
long winded reasons that wont work in this example)


It would help if we knew what video card you are using. The location and
method of solving this issue is different in Radeon ATI and nVidia cards.
This is usually a result of just using the "Clone Monitor" setting and not
the "extend the desktop onto second display" method. Please post back. TTFN.

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