Tutorial Search: Subforms



I'm having trouble getting some controls to work in my subforms and
forms and all of the queries and subqueries that I've designed.

Can anyone point to a good, concise tutorial that'll help with this.
All I can find are very basic tutorials that are far short of
something like this.

Basically, I want to select a name from a drop down list. Once
selected, I have 2 subforms that need to refresh and display the data
related to that name.

Then I need to change a few data fields, and have that data written to
the correct table.

And then do it over again.


John W. Vinson

I'm having trouble getting some controls to work in my subforms and
forms and all of the queries and subqueries that I've designed.

Can anyone point to a good, concise tutorial that'll help with this.
All I can find are very basic tutorials that are far short of
something like this.

Basically, I want to select a name from a drop down list. Once
selected, I have 2 subforms that need to refresh and display the data
related to that name.

Then I need to change a few data fields, and have that data written to
the correct table.

And then do it over again.


Well, what specific problem are you having?

The way I would do this is to have a main form based on the table containing
the names. An unbound Combo Box on this mainform can be created using the
Combo Box wizard, using the option "use this combo to find a record"; or, if
there really isn't any data other than the names, use an unbound form with an
unbound combo box on it.

The Subforms would be based on tables or single-table queries containing a
foreign key to the Primary Key of the names table (linking on the text name
itself is NOT a good idea since names are not unique). The Master Link Field
of each subform would be the unique ID field in the main form's table (or just
the name of the combo box itself if there is no mainform table). Moving to a
record on the mainform will synch the subforms to that record. The Subforms
will then be editable.

It sounds like you've tried this and it's not working; what specific problem
are you having?


Well, what specific problem are you having?

The way I would do this is to have a main form based on the table containing
the names. An unbound Combo Box on this mainform can be created using the
Combo Box wizard, using the option "use this combo to find a record"; or, if
there really isn't any data other than the names, use an unbound form with an
unbound combo box on it.

The Subforms would be based on tables or single-table queries containing a
foreign key to the Primary Key of the names table (linking on the text name
itself is NOT a good idea since names are not unique). The Master Link Field
of each subform would be the unique ID field in the main form's table (or just
the name of the combo box itself if there is no mainform table). Moving to a
record on the mainform will synch the subforms to that record. The Subforms
will then be editable.

It sounds like you've tried this and it's not working; what specific problem
are you having?

What you've written there is exactly what I need - I think I just need
a version that's about 5-10 pages with a little more detail...

The issue that I have is getting the form/subform to write data to a
table to update some values after I've viewed and reviewed the

For the record, I am selecting the name, but the forms are linked by a
Unique Player ID.

And if it helps, I am trying to do something for a fantasy baseball
league that I am in. There's lots of commercial tools to do this, but
they are essentially databases, with forms, subforms, queries and
calculated fields. All of which I can do. What I've gotten stuck on is
linking the player information to a table that is updated with the
information after he's been assigned a salary and team.

John W. Vinson

And if it helps, I am trying to do something for a fantasy baseball
league that I am in. There's lots of commercial tools to do this, but
they are essentially databases, with forms, subforms, queries and
calculated fields. All of which I can do. What I've gotten stuck on is
linking the player information to a table that is updated with the
information after he's been assigned a salary and team.

A Form is just a window onto a table. If you're assuming that you are putting
data into a Form, and then somehow that data subsequently gets transferred to
a Table, you're misunderstanding how it works! Putting the data into the form
writes it into the table the moment you move off the record, or close the
form, or explicitly save the record. If the Form's Recordsource is the table
(or a query based on the table), you don't need to do ANYTHING else.

You may have seen this list but dig through it again if so - all of the
information you want is there somewhere:

Jeff Conrad's resources page:

The Access Web resources page:

A free tutorial written by Crystal (MS Access MVP):

MVP Allen Browne's tutorials:

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