Turning a Date column into months (without crosstab)




I have a table with three fields, ActivityName, ActivityDate, ActivityValue.
It records a set of activities that each run once a month.
For eg. Activity Name: YardSale
Activity Date: 1/1/05
Activity Value: $75.

I would like to create table that puts them in columns Jan, Feb, Mar like a
crosstab but without using a crosstab.

How do I get this information Transformed into columns.

I am comfortable with VB (loops etc) and SQL but I'm getting stuck on this.

Thanks in advance


Duane Hookom

Why don't you tell us why you don't want to use a crosstab?
Do you have any grouping that you would like to share with us that would be
the equivalent of Row Headings in a crosstab? Values for one record don't
provide much direction.


Hi Duane,

Thanks for the reply.

The reason I don't want to use Crosstabs is that I'd like to get other data
added to the results for each line of the crosstab. So the columns would go
like this..
Jan, Feb, Mar..., Nov, Dec, Activity Description, Other Field, Another
Field. The other data is coming from another table.

Also I don't need to do subtotaling which is another reason I wans't
considering a crosstab.

I felt that if I have a regular table rather than a crosstab I can more
easily work with it and figure out the rest.

I may be barking up the wrong tree with my approach.

Thanks again


Duane Hookom

A crosstab will allow you to include additional columns from another table
as Row Headings. Also, subtotaling isn't required. You can use Min, Max,
Avg, First, Last,...

Is there anything we need to know about "work with it and figure out the

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