turn off automatic incremementing of numbers when using drag & dr.



I export a Crystal report in Excel as Excel 2000 format. For each date, up to
six people may have made entries. The date is shown only once and the users
fall underneath.

User1 Data
User2 Data
Et cetera

Periodically I need to check each users data by date. It's easy to drop the
date to the first user. I just right click on the first date and choose to
insert a new cell and move the other down. If I then try to use drag & drop
to fill in the rest of the users, Excel increments the year.

What happens:
9/9/08 User1 Data
9/9/09 User2 Data
Et cetera

What I want:
9/9/08 User1 Data
9/9/08 User2 Data
Et cetera

Short of converting all of the dates into text, is there a way to turn off
the incrementing?
Excel 2003 (11.8220.8221 SP3)


Keep CTRL key pressed while dragging...

btw on my Excel 2003 date changes when I drag down...

muddan madhu

use ctrl + d


click autofill option | copy cells


go help | type : Troubleshoot editing data

Dave Peterson

If you rightclick on the autofill button and then drag, you'll see a prompt when
you let go of the rightclick.

Then you can choose what you want.

I find it easier than remembering how excel likes to help.

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