Trying to work out the difference in 2 cells.




Hope somebody can help.

I am trying to work out the difference between 2 cells EG: 1 cell J51 has a
total amount of £900.00 and cell J52 has total amout of £1500.00. I want to
try and work out and show in cell J53 the total if J51 is greater than J52 or
if J51 is Less then J52 I have tried various ways but don't seem to get the
answer I want.

I hope I have made myself clear.

Bernard Liengme

Or maybe =IF(J51=J52,"Peter and Paul are equal",IF(J51>J2, "Peter has
more","Paul has more"))
OR =J1>J2 will return either TRUE or FALSE
best wishes


Perhaps you want:


which will give you the (positive) difference between the two, but
will not tell you which is the larger of the two.

Hope this helps.


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