Trying to setup Toolbar Buttons


Mr. Moonlight

Hello -

I'm trying to fix a friends computer - XP Pro -

They have a configuration on the IE that they don't like - and I've never
encountered before...

Normally I expect to see two lines:
Line #1 - File, Edit, View, Favorites, Tools, Help
Line #2 - Toolbar Buttons

With their system, the words (file, edit, etc) and on the same line as the

When I click view standard buttons - I am able to toggle between either
words (alone) or buttons (and words on the same line) - I can't establish a
display with both buttons and words at the
same time (on 2 different lines)

1) Is there anything I'm unaware of to restore both features at the same

2) the computer was used by their kids - lots of spyware, etc. Can I do a
complete reinstall of just IE to ensure stability? Naturally - they don't
have their Windows XP installation disk...

Thanks for the thoughts

Jim Byrd

Hi Mr. Moonlight - First, clean up the spyware - use AdAware and Spybot.
Then, right click on the toolbar and "Unlock toolbars". Now go to the left
end of the button part of the bar and left click/drag it down to create two
lines. Now set your text options as you want, and then re-lock the tool

Please respond in the same thread.
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP


Smile Extender

You can drag and drop toolbar buttons to desired layout. It's not bug. Its
mostly unknown and little used feature.

- first rightclick toolbar or filebar and check that "lock the toolbars" is
- move cursor over that thicker line at left side of filebar, toolbar or
address bar
- you will notice that cursor changes to two headed arrow
- not keep left mouse button pressed and drag this selected bar to desired

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