trying to retrive old info.



can anybody tell me how to retrive old info on your computer, what happened
is this. I was cleaning up my computer removing programs that r never used,
disk clean up, defraging, spyware scan and finnally i was doing a virus scan.
Well towrd the end of the virus scan my computer froze up. No matter i tryed
i could not get it to un freeze so i unplugged it. When i plugged it back in
it would just keep recyling thru the start up over and over. I thought the
problem was in windows that maybe i deleted something by accident, well i
reloaded windows xp on to my computer which fixed the start up problem but i
lost all my other programs and saved materials some of the stuff is pretty
important but most of it i can just reload. does anybody know how i can
retrive the stuff i lost, or i guess get back to the way it was before i had
the start up problem. any help on this would be greatly apprciated thank you

R. McCarty

Abruptly shutting down a PC is like a Stroke to a human. Likely,
the disk drive did not flush data and close Windows "Gracefully.

Your drive is now marked "Dirty", which means the data has some
inconsistencies. If you're lucky, a boot to the XP CD-ROM &
taking the Recovery Console will allow you to run Chkdsk C: /F
This "should" repair the inconsistencies. However, you may loose
some content - if it was damaged by the abrupt power off.

Good Luck.

Richard Urban

If you formatted you computer during the install your information is, for
all practical purposes, gone. In addition to the formatting many of the used
clusters from the old installation were over written when installing a
second time.

Some of the information "may" be recoverable by using a quality Data
Recovery program - but I wouldn't count on the recoverable information being
what you want. It never is!


Richard Urban

aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard :)

If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!

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