Trying to install stuff from the web with XP



i just upgraded to XP and now need help installing a few
progs. One of which is MSN messenger. I know it comes
with XP but its v4 and i need to now upgrade to v6. when
i installed one from i got some error:
c:\ (where i saved it to)\Messenger.exe is not a valid
WIN32 aplication.

when i tried to redownload it or download it from some
other sourse it shockingly dowloads it in a few sec ( i
have Dialup) and then when i click open to install it i
get the same error.
Apperently the original dowload failed and now when i
download again it recognizes that i am trying to dowload
the original file and opens that. Can any one tell me
where that folder would be.
Thank you for your time


Firstly: XP is shipped with Windows Messnger and NOT MSN Messenger. They are
different programs and you will need to uninstall Windows Messenger first.
Otherwise you will have both running together. MSN is not an upgrade for
Windows Messenger. Why do you want the MSN version?
Secondly: It could be in the temporary internet folder under:
Documents and Settings etc.

Not sure about the rror though. Perhaps a bad download. When downloading,
choose Save and not Open. Then you will have the choise of where to save it

Yves Leclerc

XP has three Messegers!!! Windows Messenger service is a pain because of
all the spam pop-ups. Windows Messenger (program) allows the messaging
across the local networks. MSN Messenger is a add-on.

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