Trying to get a network going with XP and windows 98



Hello. I hope someone can help me here, I'd really appreciate it. I'm
going crazy trying to get a network going between two pentium computers.
The computer with XP is the host, and has a 56k modem attached. I can
get internet access through the computer with windows 98, but can't
access files(from either computer). All I get is a message which reads
something like "unable to browse the network..." Both computers are
connected using a Realtek RTL8139 Family PCI Fast Ethernet NIC. I've
read numerous newsgroup messages about this...some to do this, while
others say not to. Arghh. The transfer protocol I'm using is TCP/IP.
Any ideas? Thanks!

Steve Winograd [MVP]

tom <[email protected]> said:
Hello. I hope someone can help me here, I'd really appreciate it. I'm
going crazy trying to get a network going between two pentium computers.
The computer with XP is the host, and has a 56k modem attached. I can
get internet access through the computer with windows 98, but can't
access files(from either computer). All I get is a message which reads
something like "unable to browse the network..." Both computers are
connected using a Realtek RTL8139 Family PCI Fast Ethernet NIC. I've
read numerous newsgroup messages about this...some to do this, while
others say not to. Arghh. The transfer protocol I'm using is TCP/IP.
Any ideas? Thanks!

It would help if we knew the complete and exact text of the error
message and which computer (XP, 98, or both) it occurs on.

A common reason for inability to browse the network is that the user
isn't logged on. Is there a logon prompt when Windows 98 starts? If
so, don't cancel it. Complete the logon by entering a user name and,
optionally, a password. If there's no logon prompt, click Start | Log
Off and log back on. If that makes network browsing work properly,
the most likely fix is to go to this registry key:

Network\Real Mode Net

and delete the value named "AutoLogon", as shown here:

If that doesn't fix it, try the tips here:

I've written a web site that should help you solve the problem:

Windows XP Network Troubleshooting

Please pay particular attention to these sections:

1. Firewalls: Permanently disable XP's built-in Internet Connection
Firewall on local area network connections -- it's for use only on a
direct modem connection to the Internet. Disable and un-install all
other firewalls while troubleshooting.

2. Protocols: Use only one for File and Printer Sharing. If the
network needs more than one protocol, unbind File and Printer Sharing
from all but one of them.

3. NetBIOS over TCP/IP: Make sure that it's enabled on all computers.
Best Wishes,
Steve Winograd, MS-MVP (Windows Networking)

Please post any reply as a follow-up message in the news group
for everyone to see. I'm sorry, but I don't answer questions
addressed directly to me in E-mail or news groups.

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program

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