Trying to access a user control from an assembly in GAC URGENT!!!!!!!!!


Siddhartha Jain

Hi Guys,
I have a Global Project whose dll I have registered in GAC and now I
am trying to access a control from that global project within another
project. But I cant access it as I dont know if there is a different
way to register a user control besides
<%@ Register TagPrefix="DA" TagName="Display"
Src="GlobalControls/Article/A.ascx" %>
I dont have any directory structure so I cant write anything in "Src".
I tried giving the namespace but it doesnt work.

Please help!!!!
Thanks a ton.


If you use the DotNet Configuration Utility you can
examine the GAC (Global Assembly Cache). That contains
the info to write a <%@ Register statement of the form:

<%@ Register TagPrefix="DA" Namespace="your namespace"
Assembly="Your Assembly Name, Version=#.#.#.#,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken='some hex value'" %>

Siddhartha Jain

Hi HarveyB,
I tried that but it doesnt work I guess I am doing something wrong.
Let me explain you the scenario. I have a Global project. In the bin
directory of that project I created a key pair and did a gacutil on the
project dll. Than I wrote the path in the assemblyinfo.cs file for that
key. It successfully installed the dll in GAC.
Now I have totally different project, I am trying to access the user
control from that global dll in GAC.Do I need to specify the path of
.snk file in global project in assemblyinfo.cs for this project? Do I
need to reference that DLL in GAC?

This is what I am doin.
<%@ Register TagPrefix="AF1" TagName="Afford" Namespace="GlobalControls"
Assembly="GlobalControls, Version=1.0.1348.26700, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken='33b18249b3372e12'" %>

I got this information from GAC and it gives me error that

**File or assembly name GlobalControls, or one of its dependencies, was
not found.

Please HELP I am really desperate right now!!!

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