truncate string to last full stop (within 160 chars)



Hi all,

Having a bit of a headache trying to do this.

I want to create a string with a total length of 160 characters.

The first few characters must always be in the string.. say around 45

After this I want to append another string, description, which can be
any number of characters long.

I want to truncate this string so that when it is appended onto the
other string it doesn't exceed 160 characters BUT I want it truncated
to the nearest '.'.

I've been messing around with substring but not much luck... anyone done
this before?


David R. Longnecker

I'm sure someone here can codesmith this a bit better for optimization, but
perhaps this will lead you on the right path.

I left the var names a bit more telling...

string firstString = "Product Name Is Here And is Around 45 Characters
int firstStringLength = firstString.Length;

string secondString
= "This is a long description. This long description is really
long. " +
"Boy this is a really long description. Is anyone still reading
this really long description. " +
"Hello out there, are you stil reading? Hello?";

string cutoffString = secondString.Substring(0, 159 - firstStringLength);

int lengthtoLastPeriod = cutoffString.LastIndexOf(".") + 1;

string newString = firstString + " " + cutoffString.Substring(0,

On the cutoffString, I read your post as if the TOTAL of string1 and string2
could not exceed 160 characters. If that's not the case, remove the "- firstStringLength"
part. :)

Hope this helps!



Hi all,

Having a bit of a headache trying to do this.

I want to create a string with a total length of 160 characters.

The first few characters must always be in the string.. say around 45

After this I want to append another string, description, which can be
any number of characters long.

I want to truncate this string so that when it is appended onto the
other string it doesn't exceed 160 characters BUT I want it truncated
to the nearest '.'.

I've been messing around with substring but not much luck... anyone done
this before?


I got it in the end...

Dim iCharactersAvailable As Integer = 160 - iTotalTextChars

sDescription = sDescription.Substring(0, sDescription.LastIndexOf(".",
iCharactersAvailable, iCharactersAvailable) + 1)

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