I've been working on this for the good portion of today and Im very baffled.
I'm probably overlooking something very simple. Anyway I need to get the mod
of some very very large numbers. So large I need to split it down into
smaller componants just to load it into a double (Im doing this all for fun.
I just really want to figure this out because there must be a way). Anyway,
so I've split the number into a much smaller number 1.9923E+130
approximately. I need to mod this number by a variable that can reach well
into the 60,000s. Unfortunately as far as I can tell the Mod operator is
only capable of returning an integer. I believe integers can only go up to
16k or 32k.
Right now building and testing the program Im modding this 1.9923E+130 by
17947. I keep getting a variable overflow message. I've attempted to write
my own Mod function which needed its own Truncate function (Does VBA even
that the ability to truncate?!). It works find on smaller numbers.
Something well into the quintillians I believe. But when it faces by
1.9923E+130 my truncate function returns a 1. Okay, well my truncate
function is probably doing it all wrong. Its basically:
Arr = Split(number, "."
trunc = Arr(0)
My Mod function is something along the lines of:
number = number / divisor
TruncNum = trunc(number)
fMod = (number - TruncNum) * divisor
So if anyone has any suggestions or sollutions please let me know. If
pursuing this little project of mine is just rediculous please let me know
too. I've been having fun thusfar minus the arteries which may have ruptured
in my head. Blah.
I'm probably overlooking something very simple. Anyway I need to get the mod
of some very very large numbers. So large I need to split it down into
smaller componants just to load it into a double (Im doing this all for fun.
I just really want to figure this out because there must be a way). Anyway,
so I've split the number into a much smaller number 1.9923E+130
approximately. I need to mod this number by a variable that can reach well
into the 60,000s. Unfortunately as far as I can tell the Mod operator is
only capable of returning an integer. I believe integers can only go up to
16k or 32k.
Right now building and testing the program Im modding this 1.9923E+130 by
17947. I keep getting a variable overflow message. I've attempted to write
my own Mod function which needed its own Truncate function (Does VBA even
that the ability to truncate?!). It works find on smaller numbers.
Something well into the quintillians I believe. But when it faces by
1.9923E+130 my truncate function returns a 1. Okay, well my truncate
function is probably doing it all wrong. Its basically:
Arr = Split(number, "."
trunc = Arr(0)
My Mod function is something along the lines of:
number = number / divisor
TruncNum = trunc(number)
fMod = (number - TruncNum) * divisor
So if anyone has any suggestions or sollutions please let me know. If
pursuing this little project of mine is just rediculous please let me know
too. I've been having fun thusfar minus the arteries which may have ruptured
in my head. Blah.