True Word Count



I understand that the Word Count function includes items such as bullet
points as words. Is there
a) a way to change the word count so it only counts actual words
or failing that
b) a list of all items included in the Word Count
I'm using Word 2003 but have also experienced the same problem in Word 2007.

Thanks in advance.

Helmut Weber

Hi nrowson,

no way,

"word" is a fuzzy concept of the on fuzzy
principles working human brain.

Code you may find,
may work on a specific text,
may work reasonably well on your text, too,
but there is no genuine solution.

Greetings from Bavaria, Germany

Helmut Weber, MVP WordVBA

Win XP, Office 2003
"red.sys" & Chr$(64) & ""


Thanks for your reply.

I agreee "word" can be a fuzzy concept, but I know exactly what I want it to
mean. Would it be possible to maybe create a macro that does a word count
according to my needs? Or could I somehow see the code that the word count
uses so I can tell what it is picking up?

I can't see why anyone would want to include bullet points in a word count.
Wouldn't it be easy to discount them?

Helmut Weber

Hi nrowson,
but I know exactly what I want it to mean.
Would it be possible to maybe create a macro that does a word count
according to my needs?

sure, write down you definition of a word.
Or could I somehow see the code that the word count
uses so I can tell what it is picking up?

Word's code is a multi billion dollar business.
You'll never see the code, unless you are very, very rich,
and pay for seeing.

I'm not a native speaker of english,
always afraid of sounding rude.

Have a nice day and many smileys.

Greetings from Bavaria, Germany

Helmut Weber, MVP WordVBA

Win XP, Office 2003
"red.sys" & Chr$(64) & ""

Helmut Weber


you could count all the listparagaphs
and deduct their number from the number
of all the words in the doc,
but won't get you much further.

Maybe asking again in

There might be some bodies around
which can help with a practical,
non-theoretical, working as good as can be, solution.

Greetings from Bavaria, Germany

Helmut Weber, MVP WordVBA

Win XP, Office 2003
"red.sys" & Chr$(64) & ""


Readibility statistics dialog box dosn't include bullet points in its word
count so it might help you to find what you are looking for


Helmut Weber said:
Hi nrowson,

sure, write down you definition of a word.

Any set of characters (A-Z,a-z,0-9) with white space on either side,
including first and last word, excluding XHTML tags and hyphens.
I'm not a native speaker of english,
always afraid of sounding rude.

Not at all, thank you for your help!

I have tried the Readability Statisics which is an improvement but still out
from what I want.

Thanks again.

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