trsuted Sites in Internet Explorer



Hello everone , thanks dear reador that you are reading my message I'm
finding information about How to set remotely trusted site on all Ws of my
Company about 500 Ws.
For one site that we use in company that require user and password ,
happens that if I don't add this site * in list of trusted site,
application on everywindows I try to opens ask me to digit user e password,
or send me error ..

But is impossible go on 500 Pc and add in internet explorer , unser internet
Options, security , trusted sites and add a string "*" have some
precious suggestion to give me ?

I speak with other collegue and I suggest , to send to all colleague a
document Pdf with screen and explanation How to do it , but they said me it s
better no ..

Could you help me ?


For settings in multiple pcs,one would use group policy to set.Type:gpedit
In run to open.


Thanks Andrew, you are very kind your is good suggestion and would be a good
solution , but we have only one OU with servers , workstation , some company
in the same OU , so I decide with my colleagues to insert in trusted sites
* go into the registry and export the key with this information
and distribute on a list of a Pc, on through login script ...

Thanks again

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