Trouble With SUMIF



I have 12 columns of $ values that relate to a different month for each
cloumn. The first column lists different suppliers whose name may appear many
times within that column. I am having problems getting a total $ spend for
each supplier for the whole 12 columns representing the year.

I hope this is clear. Thanking you for your help.


Assuming that A2:A10 contains the supplier, and B2:M10 contains the
corresponding dollar amount for each month, let O2 contain the first
supplier of interest, O3 the second, O4 the third, and so on. Then

P2, copied down:


Note that the formula needs to be confirmed with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER,
not just ENTER.

Hope this helps!

T. Valko

Try this:


Or, use a cell to hold the supplier:

A15 = Joe's Supplies




Thanks for that. Great!!!

Domenic said:
Assuming that A2:A10 contains the supplier, and B2:M10 contains the
corresponding dollar amount for each month, let O2 contain the first
supplier of interest, O3 the second, O4 the third, and so on. Then

P2, copied down:


Note that the formula needs to be confirmed with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER,
not just ENTER.

Hope this helps!

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