Trouble with percentage on report



I'm trying to display an estimated gross profit percentage on a report, but I
keep getting syntax error messages and have tried a variety of expressions.
I'm wondering if anyone could offer some help in creating the correct

I have two text boxes:
- "CostTotal" , which is the sum of another field in the detail section of
the report called LineTotalCost. The expression in this is
- "ContractTotal" , which is the sum of another field in the detail section
of the report called SellPrice, plus a manually entered sales tax amount. The
expression in this is =Sum([SellPrice])+[SalesTaxAmount].
Both of these work perfectly.

The result I'm looking for would take the difference between CostTotal and
ContractTotal, and calculate what percentage of ContractTotal that is. For
example: If CostTotal is $40,000, and ContractTotal is $50,000, the gross
profit percentage would calculate to be 20%. I have tried numerous
configurations and an equal amount of error messages have been the result.
Seems simple, but I just cant get it to work. It didn't seem to acknowledge
the "Name" of each text box either (in some of my attempts).

All suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Marshall Barton

Kevin said:
I'm trying to display an estimated gross profit percentage on a report, but I
keep getting syntax error messages and have tried a variety of expressions.
I'm wondering if anyone could offer some help in creating the correct

I have two text boxes:
- "CostTotal" , which is the sum of another field in the detail section of
the report called LineTotalCost. The expression in this is
- "ContractTotal" , which is the sum of another field in the detail section
of the report called SellPrice, plus a manually entered sales tax amount. The
expression in this is =Sum([SellPrice])+[SalesTaxAmount].
Both of these work perfectly.

The result I'm looking for would take the difference between CostTotal and
ContractTotal, and calculate what percentage of ContractTotal that is. For
example: If CostTotal is $40,000, and ContractTotal is $50,000, the gross
profit percentage would calculate to be 20%. I have tried numerous
configurations and an equal amount of error messages have been the result.
Seems simple, but I just cant get it to work. It didn't seem to acknowledge
the "Name" of each text box either (in some of my attempts).

A text box with the expression:
=1 - CostTotal / ContractTotal
should provide the percentage you want.

I can imagine that giving various jubds of errors when you
speel a name wrong or use the expression in an inappropriate
place, but I can't see how it could give you a syntax error.


As I said, it seems like it should be simple. This works great and returns
the results I was looking for. Sometimes I try to make things harder than
they need to be. Thanks for the help!

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