Trouble With Microsofts DNS Training CD



I downloaded Microsoft DNS Training (TechNet Article 330511) and burned the
image to a CD using EasyCD Creator. The first module on the CD works great
but when using the Index to go to the other modules I get an 'error on page'
failure. I have redownloaded and reburned but have the same problem. I
copied the CD onto my hard drive to troubleshoot and then reburn. I think it
is a javascipt problem but can't figure out which script or how to fix it.
Does anyone have the solution?

Ace Fekay [MVP]

Tester said:
I downloaded Microsoft DNS Training (TechNet Article 330511) and
burned the image to a CD using EasyCD Creator. The first module on
the CD works great but when using the Index to go to the other
modules I get an 'error on page' failure. I have redownloaded and
reburned but have the same problem. I copied the CD onto my hard
drive to troubleshoot and then reburn. I think it is a javascipt
problem but can't figure out which script or how to fix it. Does
anyone have the solution?

Sorry, no. I have seen this video and it worked fine for me. What OS are you
using? The JVM is not on XP by default and can cause this.


Please direct all replies to the newsgroup so all can benefit.

Ace Fekay, MCSE 2000, MCSE+I, MCSA, MCT, MVP
Microsoft Windows MVP - Active Directory


I am using Windows 98SE.

Ace Fekay said:

Sorry, no. I have seen this video and it worked fine for me. What OS are you
using? The JVM is not on XP by default and can cause this.


Please direct all replies to the newsgroup so all can benefit.

Ace Fekay, MCSE 2000, MCSE+I, MCSA, MCT, MVP
Microsoft Windows MVP - Active Directory

Ace Fekay, MVP

Tester said:
I am using Windows 98SE.

I haven't tested it on 9x, but assume it works, unless you upgraded to IE6,
since certain feautures are turn off (I *believe* there's an update to fix
that), but then again, not sure.


Please direct all replies to the newsgroup so all can benefit.

Ace Fekay, MCSE 2000, MCSE+I, MCSA, MCT, MVP
Microsoft Windows MVP - Active Directory


I am running IE6 with all of the updates. What OS have you gotten it to work
on? What version of IE were you using and what version of Media Player did
you have?
I would like to get it working. I really appreciate the help.

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