trouble splitting data into separate series


Robert H

I have three colums, one data column, IR and two catagories, circuit
and treatment. I want to have a bar chart with the IR data in the y
axis, Treatment as the X axis with the data in two series, Short and
Long so that Base, Short and Long are presented beside each other
etc. All I can get is everything in one long series all the short
data then all the long data. It seems like this was pretty simple in
2003 but we have
upgraded" to Office 2007 and alot of the norms of charting have been
left in the dust.

The following data has been trimed to simplify...
Circuit Treatment IR
short Base 100.00E+9
short Wet 100.00E+9
short 1Cut 100.00E+9
long Base 100.00E+9
long Wet 100.00E+9
long 1Cut 100.00E+9

Jon Peltier

The data isn't arranged optimally for either 2003 or 2007. Here is the
optimal arrangement for both:

Short IR Long IR
Base 100.00E+9 100.00E+9
Wet 100.00E+9 100.00E+9
1Cut 100.00E+9 100.00E+9

select this data and create a clustered column chart.

- Jon

Robert H

Looks like I just needed a kick in the pants. I know I have been
through this before!

Robert H

I find pivot tables/charts confusing. The data column choices are Sum,
Product Min etc. I just want the actual values but dont see an option
for that. I probably just need to spend some more time "learning"
about them.
Thanks for your sugestion and providing an example

Jon Peltier

If there's only one item that fits into a cell, using average or sum is
the same as the actual value.

- Jon

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